Please pray that GOD blesses me soon with a soulmate and life partner in JESUS name. I have been praying for a soulmate and life partner for 31 years. .
Update: My mom went to be with the Lord last night. My sisters and I were all with her, which was a huge blessing. Thank you, precious church family, for all your prayers, phone calls, and encouraging text messages. Love to you all. Leslie Hinton Please pray for peace and comfort for all of Leslie's family. Thank you.
Please remember the families of those whose lives were tragically taken by Plane and Helicopter crashes recently. The sorrow and mourning are heavy for these families. Pray for the peace that surpasses all understanding from the Lord on high will blanket them all! Thank you.
Please pray for all the American hostages who have been taken captive, abused, and imprisoned by foreign enemies. Pray the Lord would bring them home and deliver them all back to their families safe and sound. Thank you for remembering these fellow Americans in your prayers!
Please keep Matthew in continued prayer. He is now taking responsibility and going to counseling with Team Builders. He still struggles with alcohol every time he gets money. Understandable (but not) being on the streets 4 years in fight or flight mode and fear. Pray for chains and addictions to break over him and other family members as well. Keep Eric in continued prayer as we meet on FaceTime weekly first with Discipleship training from Pastor John's manual and now in the synoptic gospels. Pray the Lord would send someone to invite him to church and that it will be a bible teaching church in/near Kiel, Wisconsin. He does not like crowds. He has PTSD from 12 years Army/5 deployments in those 12 years to both Iraq and Afghanistan. Pray the Lord heals/softens his heart and removes any discomfort or fear in that. Pray that the Lord delivers me from some things as well and as I get re-rooted and grounded in love as I am now about three years out of false teaching that deeply hurt me. Thank you for your prayers for all of us.
Please pray for nieces Jaimie, Jessie and Andrea to really come to know Christ and their children. Pray for my sister Kerry who is a believer but has never gone to church, watches some online I think. Pray for all these in Kerry's family who have never gone to church. Please pray for my neighbors I am trying to be a witness to. Specific names are Jacky who was raised Mormon, Rick who was baptized by Chuck Smith but seems to have strayed into new age, Linda who I think is also new age, Henry probably Catholic, and Bob who is new age who is also in Josephine's hiking group. And Cindy, my apt. manager. Pray God gives opportunity as I just try to love them and see Christ in me.
Calvary Chapel Pastors in Albuquerque, Silver City, Roswell, Belen, Socorro, and Espanola and all our Local Pastors received Feb 1, 2025
Prayed for 1146 times
Please pray for Pastors Skip Heitzig (Calvary Albuquerque), Joseph Gros (Calvary Chapel Silver City), Ray Jaramillo (Calvary Rio Grande Valley), Jim Suttle (Calvary Chapel Roswell), and Deion Cordova (Calvary Chapel Espanola, Andy Fine (Calvary Chapel Farmington) Roger Thompson Calvary Chapel Maricopa, Arizona, and all of our local pastors that the Lord would give them wisdom, guidance, and direction for pastoring their churches. Pray the Lord would bless their families with comfort and peace. Pray the Lord would bless their congregations with a spirit of worship, love, and unity.
Please pray that the Lord would bring a harvest of new believers in Taos. So many people in need of a personal relationship with Jesus but are trapped in the religions of the world. Lord help them! Pray the Calvary Taos family would be evangelizing and inviting people to church at every opportunity. Thank you!
I would so appreciate the church’s prayers for my children’s father: that he invite the Lord into his heart and surrender his resentments and fears; that he parent our children with their best interests in mind and that he can be a healthy male example for them; that our children are safe while in his care; that we can co-parent with mutual respect; that I can approach and respond to him with loving kindness and grace; and that I will continue to trust that the Lord has us all in his hands and I have no reason to be fearful. Thank you, Tia
Please continue to pray that Melicio would have complete healing on his foot. He still struggles with pain and discomfort. Thank you for your prayers.
Please pray for Tatyana that she will live a godly life for her and her children. Pray the Lord will guide her and that she will always obey His word and His will for her life. Thank you.
Please pray for Joan Lucero as she continues to receive Proton Therapy treatments. Please pray that she will have comfort and peace and will not experience the side effects that are common with these treatments. Thank you!
Please pray the Lord will guide and direct Helen Archuleta as she takes over the leadership role at the New Life Pregnancy Center. Pray the Lord will give her godly wisdom to direct this very important service to our community. Thank you for your prayers.
Please pray for the Taos Hockey player who was hit very hard in the head over the weekend. Thank you!
Please pray for comfort for Greg and Jan and the Santistevan family, as Greg's father, Felix went to be with the Lord. Thank you for you prayers!
Please pray that God would heal me and help me financially. Pray that God would also heal and strengthen my family members. Pray that God would deliver me from every spiritual attack in my life. Finally pray that God would give me breakthrough spiritually.
My name is Rick; please, I need prayer for mercy and protection also that God would deal with the nepotism and nastiness at work. The owner, Nick, is playing games with his employees. It's sick, thank you.
Asking for prayers for protection from enemies, demonic attacks, hoping my sister and mom can be in good health, strength to keep going, peace, a safe home, and healing for my eyes and body. I have been sick and feeling discouraged. Thank you for praying.
Maverick - The Lord's Guidance and Presence received Jan 2, 2025
Prayed for 935 times
Please pray for my grandson Maverick that he would continue to grow deeper in his faith in Christ Jesus. Pray the Lord would show him great and wonderful things from His word. Pray for Maverick to be a Christian leader at his school and in his family! Pray he would always sense the presence of the Lord and that God would continue to spark in Maverick a deep desire for Christian service. Pray for Maverick to be steadfast, and immovable, in his faith. Thank you so much for your prayers!
Pray for Salvation and spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of my children and their spouses. Pray my children would seek God in all situations. Pray for our two son-in-laws salvation.
Isla, Caleb, Dante, Remy, and Quinoa - Salvation received Jan 2, 2025
Prayed for 235 times
Please pray for Isla, Remy, Kaleb, Dante, and Kanoa's salvation. They are High School students who are friends of DJs. Please keep them in your prayers for the Lord to do a mighty work in their hearts and that they would come to know Him! Thank you!
Nation of Israel - God's Soveriegn protection, guidance and protection received Jan 2, 2025
Prayed for 349 times
Israel is under constant attack from her enemies. Please pray that Priminister Netanyahu would turn his heart to Jesus Christ as his Messiah, Savior, and King. Pray the Lord would give him divine wisdom, guidance, and direction as he leads the Nation of Israel during these times of war. Pray the Lord would protect His chosen people from the atrocities of hatred and war.
Please pray the Lord will continue to bless Jessica in her job and raising her children. Pray she will always seek His will and desire to be pleasing in His sight. Pray that she would continue to grow as a godly mother. Pray that she would find peace and rest for her mind and body through personal time with Christ. Thank you!
Please pray for my children: Tara, Meghan, and Tyler. Pray that the Lord would speak to their hearts and that they would receive Jesus as their personal Savior and King. Also, please pray for my son-in-laws, Chad and John. Pray that God would draw them into a personal relationship with Him. Pray that my grandchildren, Samantha, Aiden, Brock, Connell, and Farrah will come to know the Lord personally at their young age. I pray that my God (Jesus Christ) would be their God! Thank you for taking the time to pray for my family! Blessings to you!
Sean, Anya, and Wyatt Walkler - God's Guidance and Blessing received Jan 2, 2025
Prayed for 133 times
Please pray for Sean, Anya, and Wyatt that God will continue to guide and direct them in how they can best serve Him. Pray the Lord will bless them in all they do for His glory. Pray He will bless Sean and Anya's marriage and give them heavenly wisdom as parents. Thank you!
Please pray for Joseph to continue growing in God's word. Pray that he would seek the Lord for ways to serve Him. Pray the Lord will bless Joe's shoe business venture. Also, please pray that the Lord will guide him to a good Bible-teaching church in his area. Thank you!
Please pray for Zsolt's father, Gyula. He has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Please pray the Lord would heal him from this illness. Pray the Lord would move on his heart and that Gyula would receive Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior! Pray for Zsolt to have the wisdom to know exactly what God would have him say to his father. Thank you so much for your prayers!
Law Enforcement and Emergency Responders received Jan 1, 2025
Prayed for 1321 times
Remember the local law enforcement agencies and emergency responders in your prayers. They have a stressful high-risk job. Please pray for their marriages, their children, and families. Pray for their safety. Pray for God to be their shield and strength as they perform their duties with honor and integrity. Pray for comfort for their families and joy in their homes.
Pray for our Grandson, Deputy Sheriff Dominic Lopez, Jesus we ask that you be by his side and protect him on his patrols and travels. We also lift up his family in prayer, that you give them peace of mind knowing that you are in control.
Vince, Noah, Brennan, Talia, Jerome, Enola, and Sean - Salvation received Jan 1, 2025
Prayed for 355 times
Please pray for Vince, Talia, Noah, Brennan, Jerome, Enola, and Sean that they would receive the Lord as their personal Savior. Pray the Lord would melt their hearts and draw them to Him. Pray they would be saved! Thanks.
Please pray that God would turn Gabriel's heart to find and speak to Him clearly what God's will for Gabriel's life is. That Gabriel's spirit would be restored to Jesus. That the strongholds of the enemy would be loosened from Gabriel, Mariza, Matthew, and Jerome, and that they would be overcome by the Holy Spirit and boldly follow Jesus.
Please pray for David Hand, he had a serious neck injury some time back and he is still plagued with severe headaches. Please ask the Lord to bring him comfort and healing. Also, remember his wife Susanna in your prayers, as she is so diligent and steadfast in her care for David! Thank you.
Please pray for Maddie that the Lord would give her wisdom and direction in her decisions. Pray that she would stay planted in her faith and always grow closer to the Lord. Pray the Lord would protect her as she makes a stand for Him in her personal life and at the Hospital where she works. And please pray that she will find a good church where she can be trained up and also have the opportunity to serve. Thank you so much!
Pray that the Lord would be with the youth in our church and our community. Pray they would sense God's presence with them. Pray for the young believers, that God would complete in them what He has begun. Pray that they would know His love daily and mature in their faith. Pray for their parents to be good Christian role models and raise them in godly homes. Also, please pray the Lord will give us open doors and new ways to reach the lost youth of our community for Christ. Pray for the salvation of the lost youth in our town! Thank you!
Please pray for JB as he recovers from surgery for a torn bicep and shoulder. Thank you!
Please pray for Sarah Bradley to have an extra measure of patience, peace, and endurance as she works with parents and staff at Taos Academy. Pray that she would be iron sharpening iron with Traci Filiss (The Director of Taos Academy). Providing balanced education for young students in this day and age is filled with many complexities and challenges from the curriculum, parents, staff, and current cultural and societal norms and demands. Thank you for your heartfelt prayers!
The Pastors and Church Leadership in the Taos Area received Dec 5, 2024
Prayed for 1061 times
Pray for all of the local pastors and church leaders as they faithfully serve their church family. Pray for God's presence, guidance, and strength for these pastors as they continue to diligently serve the churches God has called them to. Please pray for their families as well. Pray the Lord would bless their ministries and protect them from all who would do harm. Pray that the Lord would give them a fresh vision for their ministries.
Please pray for Adam that the Lord will keep Him securely in His hands. Pray the Lord would use him for His glory and give Him the strength to be a strong witness of His love and kindness. Pray Adam would continue to grow strong in His faith and bold in His witness at Taos Academy. Pray for Zsoldt and Claire to continue to be godly parents and powerful encouragers of Adam's faith! Thank you!
Please pray for Mandy to have a continual deep desire to know God more intimately and that she would grow in her knowledge of God's word and be filled with overflowing joy from on high! Mandy is a wonderful daughter, and we want for her to experience all that God desires for her! Thak you for your prayers!
JB - A senstive and obedient heart to the Lord received Dec 5, 2024
Prayed for 1007 times
Please pray for JB to have a sensitive and obedient heart to God's voice and leading. Pray the Lord will draw JB to repentance, and lead him back to a relationship with HIm. Pray he would know how much he is loved and missed by his family. Pray for healing and restored unity in our family. Pray the Lord would give JB peace, joy, and fulfillment in his life. Thank you!
Please pray for my grandchildren, Luke, Samantha, Abby, Gabriel, and Sophia that the Lord would keep them in His hands, that He would keep His angels about them and draw their hearts to Him. Thank you!
Church Elders - Wisdom and God's Guidance and Direction received Dec 4, 2024
Prayed for 521 times
Please pray for our Church Elders as they together with Pastor John seek the Lord for Guidance, direction, vision, and provision for the ministry of Calvary Taos. Pray they are always unified and work in harmony being led by the Holy Spirit for God's glory. Pray for their families, their health, and their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Thank you!
Please pray for the marriages in our church as well as our extended families. Pray the Lord would heal all hurts and offenses, all slights, and sorrows. Please Lord, heal our marriages from the damage of sin, neglect, hard-heartedness, and self-centeredness. Pray the Lord would turn our marriages back to Him. Blessings!
Pray that my children and grandchildren will accept God's salvation, and that I would be a tool used to help them and show them.
Traci Fiiliss - Guidance, Direction, and Wisdom received Dec 2, 2024
Prayed for 136 times
Please pray for Traci Filiss as she has the complex and highly challenging job of directing Taos Academy School. Pray the Lord would give her wisdom, guidance, and strength to be a godly, biblically sound leader. Pray the Lord will give her direction and vision for the future of the school and bring her more Christian teachers and workers. Pray for the salvation of all of the students, teachers, and workers at Taos Academy. Thank you!
Pray for my husband (Jim) and sons (Wade and Eric) to return to the saving knowledge of Jesus, and for peace in our home.
Pastor John - Guidance, Wisdom, and Good Health received Dec 2, 2024
Prayed for 1359 times
Please, continually keep Pastor John in your prayers! Pray that the Lord would provide him with guidance, wisdom, and vision as he leads Calvary Taos. Pray that God would lead and empower Pastor John in his biblical studies and teaching. Pray the Lord would always show John what He wants for Calvary Taos. Pray that John would have good health and lots of energy for the task of pastoring our church! Thank you!
Please pray the Lord will continue to bless our church finances from the abundance of His storehouse! Let us pray with thanksgiving for our God is faithful and sure and always meets our needs!
Please pray for our local leaders to place their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray they would seek God's divine guidance when making decisions for our town and surrounding areas. Pray for our national leaders as well that God would speak to their hearts and that those who don't know Him personally would surrender their lives to Him and be saved. Pray a blessing upon our nation....that we would see a Christian spiritual revival and that our country would once again be a light, sitting upon a hill, shining and calling out to the lost in our community "Jesus Loves You." Thank you.
Please pray for Sierra as she has entered the whole new big world of middle school. She is facing so many new challenges and temptations in a much bigger place. Pray that she would also see the opportunities to shine God's light and show others the love of Jesus.